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Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

Christopher Bell
Christopher Bell
April 1, 2018

Dear Friend,

Real Love is sacrifice.

How sad this started off.

A rousing welcome of Hosannas, with the whole city laying branches before He entered; then, a few short days later, He was arrested. Have you ever felt on top of the world one moment and at the bottom the next? How many pregnant mothers, at one moment believing they are loved and protected suddenly, instantly find rejection?

Tried, convicted, sentenced condemned. Condemned for your belief, action, circumstances or thought. All of a sudden, He had not a friend in the world. Abandoned, quickly, has that happened to you? Certainly this has happened to many Good Counsel moms.

Beaten, beyond recognition. Pummeled, spat on, ridiculed, just for sport. Could you ever imagine how much worse? Imagine a young, pregnant woman told to get out, in the middle of the night, with nothing more than the clothes on her back, in the middle of a snowstorm.

All your wounds and bruises completely exposed.

How excruciating! How dark! How lonely! Your entire life utterly shattered.

Is life worth living? Is my baby’s life worth living?


From beyond the hissing, condemning curses comes this piercing, loud silence. Silence. Silence.

Cold, lonely inert dead silence.

. . . . . . . . .

Then comes the flash.

The Light.

A pulse of energy under the shroud.

The covering forever to hold the image of the split-second changing of everything.

Instant New Life. Birth!

A voice of hope. A warm welcome. A new door.

The joining of time and Eternity, of earth and Heaven, of now and forever. The moment of your new life. Opening the gates long shut. Taking off the locks of your soul.

Utterly shattered all that binds you to dust.

Alleluia! Alleluia! The Lord is Risen! You are Risen! Alleluia!

Your soul is risen. You believe.

Nothing can stop New Life. Love is Life Forever!

Good Counsel is God’s Love which is New Life Forever!

May you live the Resurrection every day of your life.

Thank you for helping to offer a Resurrection and new life for our mothers and babies.

Christopher Bell

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