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Prayer Intentions

Please tell us how we can pray for you! Our Good Counsel family will pray for your intentions each day.

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Recent Prayer Intentions

Please pray for Monsignor Jim who just had surgery, that he heal well God willing, and that the Lord anoint and bless him.
July 23, 2024
Hermanos en Cristo, gracia y paz sea multiplicada sobre sus vidas, Dios les acompañe, fortalezca en Fé, les guíe, les ilumine y su gracia sobreabunde en sus vidas y los corone de favores en el nombre de Jesucristo Les pido ayuda por mi amada Carla Belén Castro Verdejo la cual fué amarrada por Bastian Benjamín Forlivesi González, un hombre que a estado detrás de mi mujer. En solo unos días, de repente Carla cambio a ser otra persona, volviéndose más erótica y atrevida en su manera de ser, vestirse, hablar y este hombre llegó de la nada y entre nosotros nunca a habido una pelea ni nada. En las redes Carla había subido una foto poniéndose su uniforme de matrona estando este hombre Bastian detrás de ella, llegó y apareció en su trabajo de la nada, y en la mayoría de historias e publicaciones hay mucho morbo entre ambos ahora 😭. Este hombre Bastian sigue en sus redes sociales, tiendas de instrumentos sexuales y a brujos. Ella respetaba al señor Jesucristo que es bendito por los siglos de los siglos y se estaba interesando más en el evangelio, pero ya no le importa 😭. Este hombre Bastian solo quiere aprovecharse de mi amada Carla y apartarla del evangelio. Yo oro a mi señor por mi mujer Carla para romper este amarre, atadura para alejarla de las influencias y garras de este hombre Bastian de su vida y que nadie pueda volver a separarnos. Está angustia no me permite tener sosiego ni de noche ni de día, ya que mi amada Carla es la única mujer de mi vida 😭 Dios los guarde y tenga misericordia de sus vidas, para que nunca ustedes pasen por esta difícil situación 😞
Brian Paul Vidal Jarpa
July 18, 2024
Please pray for Melissa and her unborn baby in danger of abortion.
July 18, 2024
Please pray for Ms. Youlika Soto, her daughter, and her newborn child. She's looking for the right place to live and grow spiritually.
July 17, 2024
Please pray for Mary P. and her marriage as her husband has bipolar, and this is making it extremely difficult for them both.
July 12, 2024
Please pray for me for a new safe home without violence. As soon as possible. And that I can afford it. I beg, I am in a desperate situation.
July 12, 2024
I want to fervently ask for your prayers for my family, both immediate and extended. I have three children with disabilities and navigating impending death can be even more challenging to walk through with them. We are currently supporting our dear neighbour through her palliative cancer treatments as well so please keep her in your prayers too. Her name is Barb and my Grandma's name is Jackie. Thank you very much.
Caitlin F.
July 10, 2024
Please pray for Haree and her toddler Vion who are homeless. Pray also for Devynn who also has been homeless.
July 5, 2024
Please pray for Jocelyn who is expecting.
July 5, 2024
Please pray for the repose of the soul of William Seitz, his widow, children. grandchildren, nieces, nephews, in-laws and all his family.
Mike Kelly
July 3, 2024
Please pray for Amy and Daniel.
July 2, 2024
Please pray for Mike Kurmlavage who is in surgery right now. He had a brain bleed - hemorrhagic stroke - on Saturday caused by a tumor. A craniotomy brain surgery was scheduled for 8 am today (Friday.) He will be in recovery for a while.
June 28, 2024
Please pray for John Hinshaw, in prison for defending the unborn.
June 26, 2024
PLEASE PRAY FOR Mike B. in northern California regarding his work!
His Mom
June 25, 2024
Please pray for my son, to get well from physical and psyhical illnesses and to find love for us again. Karmen
June 20, 2024
Please pray for Margaret Schroeder of New York.
Peter M.
June 19, 2024
Please pray for my wife, her brother-in-law (a widower with Parkinsons), and other family members, living and deceased. Deaths and illness in the family are taking a toll on her.
John K.
June 18, 2024
Please pray for us as we just had a water main break - and the city's giving us just 3 days to fix it before they fine us!
June 18, 2024
Please pray for our pastor Michael Dunn at St. John Neumann Parish; for my relation Christy who has had multiple cancer surgeries; and for my friend Linda who also may have trouble with cancer.
Janice C.
June 17, 2024
Please pray for the soul of Gabby Pavel and for her surviving husband, Scott Pavel. It has been two weeks since she left this earth. Thank you.
June 12, 2024
Please pray for Richard W's possible upcoming skin surgery, for this psychotherapeutic practice, and possible book.
Peter M.
June 4, 2024
Please Pray for Milinda and Sandra, and that they successfully finish their Nursing Degree. Thank you.
May 29, 2024
Please pray for our niece's husband Damian who may need a second surgery.
Jim and Kathleen K.
May 6, 2024
Please pray for our family's health.
Abbott Lee
May 6, 2024
Please pray for my brother, for my sister, and for my family.
Anne B. in New Rochelle.
May 1, 2024
Please pray for my children and for my health.
Jane D.
May 1, 2024
Please pray for my parents JOSEPH and LILLIAN KRAFT and for my wife's parents JOSEPH AND ALICE BRADY.
May 1, 2024
Please pray for peace in this world.
P. Isajiw
April 29, 2024
Please pray for the resurrection of the marriage for the life of Ana and Igor, for the resurrection of marital love Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Igor i Ana Kakuk
April 12, 2024
For health of mind and body
March 31, 2024
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Todd Benitente who passed away at the age of 58, as well as for his widow Bridget, and two children Olivia and Billy.
March 29, 2024
Please pray for M. Pascarella who is in pain and will be having surgery to alleviate this.
Philomena, Peter
March 29, 2024
Please pray for all my children and grandchildren to either return to the Catholic faith, or to be baptized.
Theresa P.
March 26, 2024
Please pray for: Nav, who has esophageal cancer Linda Holton Vincent Laurel, my door man, who is ill My sister Mary and her husband Steve For my friend Bill Gonzalez For Joan Bell to be released from jail
Eileen M.
March 25, 2024
Please pray for a family member who lives with the pain of her abortion of many years ago, and has not come to confession yet to reconcile with the Lord. Please also pray that my husband receives the Grace of Faith and returns to Our Lord and to his faith. And also please pray for the recovery and health of Fr. Matt.
March 23, 2024
Please pray for my 5 children and 14 children - but especially for the family of Maura who is undergoing a painful divorce.
March 14, 2024
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL OF MARY ANN DIONNE, and for her surviving husband Douglas.
Peter Mango
March 1, 2024
Please pray for me and my family who are going through some things.
- John P. of Mohegan Lake
February 22, 2024
Colossians 2:15 for every marine and vulture spirit, Jezebel and Ahab spirit and spiritual principality of hatred, adultery, lust, homicide, suicide, fornication, obsessions, pedophilia, sexual perversion, avarice, greed, delay, confusion, sabotage, stubbornness, domination, control, jealousy, envy, and familiarity in my life. Psalm 91, Exodus 14:28 for every known and unknown and hidden enemy of mine. Proverbs 26:27 for every enemy that is family.
February 18, 2024
Please pray for Barbara P. of New York, for the expeditious and affordable liberation of her home from mold, preservation of the artwork she took years to create, for her son, daughter, physical therapist, and special intentions.
January 25, 2024
One of our daughters now has a doctorate in psychology from Divine Mercy University. She’s a good Catholic girl, hopefully following in FR Benedict’s footsteps. We need more Catholic psychologists! Please pray for her, her name is Maura Therese.
January 15, 2024
Please pray for Msgr. Lisanti, who has had heart surgery.
January 5, 2024
Praised Jesus and Mary From the depth and humility of my heart, I am asking you to pray for my wife Ana, to forgive me for the pain I caused her and to reconcile and continue living together.
Ana i Igor Kakuk
January 3, 2024
For Alaina and Grace to come back to the heart of Jesus and to their families.
Katherine Rado
December 29, 2023
Please pray for all the moms at Good Counsel.
Blaise H.
December 28, 2023
Please pray for Mr. Harry Brandt, and for the repose of the soul of his deceased wife Sharon.
December 28, 2023
Please pray for Mr. Dennis Bencher, and for the repose of the soul of his deceased wife Sandy.
December 28, 2023
Please pray for Nivene Young who is recuperating after surgery from brain tumors.
December 22, 2023
Please pray for Jane D., a mom and nurse from New York with Stage 4 Cancer.
December 21, 2023
Please pray for the permanent joy, peace, and encouragement of Fr. Francis S. in Westchester, NY
Peter M
December 18, 2023