Pregnant? Need Help?

Epiphany of Light and Clarity

Christopher Bell
Christopher Bell
August 23, 2023

Knowing Fr. Benedict was a veritable epiphany of light and clarity. It’s what happens when God takes over in a person’s life. Things happen… like Good Counsel.” (Fr. Pat Papalia)

If you couldn't attend and be a part of the wonderful day at Most Blessed Sacrament Friary earlier this month, please follow the link to watch the video from Father Benedict's celebration of birth.

Hear the sharing of affectionate memories and testimonies of the impact of Father Benedict’s life and work on so many, and in a special way, on homeless pregnant mothers and their babies.

Sense the camaraderie, and hear an inspiring talk by Fr. Benedict’s friend of 29 years and Mass celebrant, Fr. Pat Papalia.

View a shorter version
of the highlights of that day.

Or watch a 20-minute video of reflections about Fr. Benedict Groeschel by Fr. Pat Papalia and also by Good Counsel president and co-founder, Chris Bell.

In the spirit of Fr. Benedict, whose life was dedicated to serving the poor and neediest, please join Good Counsel – a very special apostolate of Fr. Benedict’s – in caring for those who need help the most: pregnant mothers abandoned by family and friends.

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