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Monique and Nai

Samantha Elbertson
Samantha Elbertson
September 13, 2021

Women who complete the program at Good Counsel enter a phase know lovingly as Exodus. When a woman is educated and gainfully employed, emotionally and financially stable, and has found suitable housing for herself and her child to live, she will venture out on her own with all of the support from the Good Counsel family.

Exodus moms continue to rely on Good Counsel's network for advice, continued aid, and even in times of celebration and accomplishment. This Exodus support is lifelong. Once a part of the Good Counsel family, women never have to worry about being alone. Our house managers keep in contact with many of our Exodus moms. Our staff, more like family, help with big milestones such as purchasing a first car or celebrating a child’s birthday. And we are of course there if a mom finds herself in need again.

Recently I posted a memory on social media of one of our moms who lived in Good Counsel’s home over 7 years ago on the day she received her EMT certification. Her reply was a beautiful testament to the life she has built for herself and her daughter.

Short but sweet Monique commented, “ I forgot about this picture!! At this point in life, I went on to receive my degree in Paramedicine. Here's a picture of the little one, she'll be 7 in October.

Thank you all so much again! I'm forever in debt to Good Counsel!!”

With her permission, it is a pleasure to share with you the photo of her beautiful, soon-to-be 7-year-old daughter, Nai. As a mother and a professional, Monique gives back to her community everyday.

Thank you to our faithful and selfless Good Counsel donors for making a difference in the lives of real women, children, and families. We ask you to please stay close to our mission, continue to give from the heart, and impact generations to come.

Monique 7 years ago (left) & her daughter, Nai (right) will be 7 years old in October 2021
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