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Sydney's Testimony

Samantha Elbertson
Samantha Elbertson
June 1, 2024

A moving testimony from Good Counsel mom Sydney at our latest event for LIFE.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Sydney, and beside me stands my beautiful daughter Mackenzie. Today,I am here to share our journey, a journey that led us to the doors of theSpring Valley House, our refuge at Good Counsel.

Before finding our sanctuary here, Mackenzie and I resided in Edison, NewJersey. Life was a series of struggles, with me working only part-time, tryingas best I could to make ends meet. Losing both of my parents left us feelingutterly alone, with no family nearby to lean on for support. Basically, I wasraising a toddler alone with inadequate funds and no stable housing.

But then, Good Counsel became our beacon of hope. Here, amidst the caring wallsof the Spring Valley home, I found more than just shelter; I found a communityof women dedicated to lifting us up and helping us to rebuild our lives.

Yes, there have been stumbling blocks along the way. I had difficulty findingemployment and sometimes the stress of the situation affected me. But everytime I faltered, Good Counsel was there, offering a steadying hand andunwavering support. Today, I proudly stand before you as a full-time employeeof a thriving business in the Rockland community. In fact, I am the AssistantManager, and in time, I hope to be promoted to the Manager’s position. I amdiligently saving every penny in order to secure a place to call our own, andwe plan to reside near my job and Good Counsel in Rockland County. AndMackenzie? She's thriving, and with the help local social services, she isattending free full-time day care. When the day care is not in session, thestaff provide babysitting in the home. Mackenzie is embracing every opportunitythat comes her way.

I am beyond grateful for the love, kindness, and guidance we've received here.Good Counsel isn't just a shelter; it's a lifeline—a place where families likemine find hope, healing, and a chance for a brighter future.

So tonight, I extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who hasplayed a part in our journey. Thank you for your generosity, your compassion,and your unwavering belief in our potential. With your continued support, Iknow that Mackenzie and I, along with other mothers and children like us, willcontinue to flourish and thrive.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you, good night, and may God bless you.

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